Utopian Tales Book Design

The Patched Trousers is a short story centred around the idea of sentimental value and how something with sentimental value can mean more to someone than all the money in the world.

The fabric book focuses on the idea of sentimental value. In the story, each patch on the trousers has a story behind it of how it got there and as the patches have built up over time, the trousers have a lot of sentimental value to the owner, Frankie. Each page of the book represents a patch on the trousers and will display a small amount of text which is significant to the story and theme. The tracing paper pages in the book link to today’s throwaway society, these pages mimic sewing patterns and display materialistic items which contrast against the sentimental value of the trousers in the story.

The concept behind the A3 transparent book is the idea that the different events that happen in your life, build up over time and mould your life into what it is today. This is shown through the build-up of transparent paper, so when the book it closed, all the layers of the book can be seen and therefore moulding the book to look a certain way.

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